1st Bridge of Weir Boys Brigade and Girls Association

Anchors Section

By the time you’re reading this the Anchors will nearly have finished for the session and they’ll soon find out which squad (Porsche, Ferrari or Lamborghini) has worked to gain the most points and win the trophy at the display. While there is some competition between the squads the Anchors have also been learning about being a ‘good sport’ and there is regular cheering for other squads. 

The Anchors have enjoyed a trip to Tenpin bowling at Xcite and have an end of term party arranged at Paradise island also at Xcite which they are very much looking forward to. Throughout the year they’ve participated in games nights, learnt about Robert Burns, Remembrance day and Bonfire Night. They’ve celebrated Chinese New Year and enjoyed delicious pancakes. They’ve learnt stories from the Bible and enjoyed playing lots of different games. We look forward to doing the same in the upcoming session which starts again late August.

We are always keen to invite more along to Anchors, open to all in P1-3 Thursday 6.15-7.30pm at Freeland Church.

A huge thank you to everyone who helps at Anchors each week and if anyone else would like to volunteer their time they would be most welcome.